Traffic Safety

GM Recall Reinforces Disturbing Level of Risk for Motorists Behind the Wheel

Statement by Bob Darbelnet, President and CEO of AAA

WASHINGTON, DC — “AAA acknowledges the step taken by General Motors (GM) today to recall 2.42 million more U.S. vehicles with safety failures that could put motorists in harm’s way.  However, today’s action also highlights the disturbing number of potential hazards to drivers behind the wheel that have come to light this year.  It is distressing to note that GM has so far recalled close to 15 million vehicles in 2014, which is nearly equal to the total vehicles (15.6 M) all manufacturers sold in the 2013 alone.  AAA believes last week’s $35 million fine assessed to GM for delays in taking action with ignition interlocks that have been attributed to the deaths of 13 motorists does not send a strong enough message. GM and other automakers need to clearly understand that risking consumer lives is unacceptable and the costs for doing so must be appropriately severe. AAA supports the proposal to increase the maximum fine NHTSA can impose from $35 million to $300 million.”