WASHINGTON, D.C, (May 13, 2014) – AAA today issued the following statement by its President and CEO Bob Darbelnet regarding the bipartisan transportation bill introduced in the Senate.
“AAA welcomes Senators Boxer, Vitter, Carper and Barrasso’s bipartisan transportation bill that increases the transparency of how federal dollars are spent. We are encouraged to see leaders in Washington addressing the transportation crisis with detailed proposals rather than general fund bailouts. AAA looks forward to reviewing the details of this bill, and we are pleased it maintains the ban on interstate tolling.
“It is now up to the Senate Finance Committee to consider how Congress will fund this bill. AAA urges Chairman Wyden and Ranking Member Hatch to keep all options on the table by committing to a vote on an increase in the federal gas tax in addition to the other funding mechanisms that will be considered by the committee. AAA, like many, recognizes that a federal gas tax increase is the most viable and effective option available, provided the additional funds are thoughtfully invested in transportation improvements that ease congestion and increase safety.”