WASHINGTON, D.C. (Mar. 9, 2017): Statement by AAA President & CEO Marshall Doney:
“Today the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) issued their latest Infrastructure Report Card showing that we continue to neglect our nation’s growing infrastructure needs. This year’s report card gives America’s roads a “D” and bridges a “C+”. More than 35,000 lives were lost in vehicle crashes last year alone and failing roads and bridges are only making American drivers more unsafe behind the wheel.
It is time to reverse this trend. AAA believes that an increase to the federal gas tax remains the most viable near-term solution to provide for additional infrastructure funding, but recognizes that all alternatives need to be a part of the discussion. ASCE’s report card is a reminder that while infrastructure improvements are underway, there remains a backlog of projects that need to be addressed immediately. The President has acknowledged the national importance of infrastructure investment. AAA urges policymakers and the Administration to lay out a long-term funding strategy to repair and maintain America’s roadways so that we can improve driver’s safety and mobility today and well into the future.”